Strawberry Basil Sorbet


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 2 handfuls basil
  • 1 lb. strawberries
  • 1 cup water or juice (or your favorite wine)
  • Strawberry Balsamic Vinegar


  1. Place your Ice Cream Maker Attachment and dasher in the freezer for at least 15 hours prior to use.
  2. Pour sugar and water into a saucepan. Turn heat to medium high to bring mixture to a boil. Once sugar has dissolved, add basil. Allow to cook for a few more minutes for basil flavor to enhance the sugar water.
  3. Hull strawberries by removing the green stems, then slice in half. Place strawberries in your Food Processor, along with syrup and basil. Turn on medium until strawberries are completely processed. Cool in refrigerator completely.
  4. Attach Ice Cream Maker Attachment and dasher to your Stand Mixer and pour strawberry mixture into bowl. Add wine, then turn Stand Mixer on low. Mix for at least 20 minutes to thicken and freeze sorbet. Scoop into pint containers, or a loaf tin lined with parchment paper. Cover and freeze until ready to serve.
  5. Serve and top with a drizzle of Strawberry Balsamic Vinegar